Alanine-EPR dosimetry system

Alanine-EPR dosimetry system
SPINSCAN is an all-in-one alanine-EPR dosimetry system designed for routine low and high-dose dosimetry in daily medical clinics practices and industrial irradiation facilities or as an in-house alanine reference dosimetry system.

LV Analytical Alanine-EPR dosimetry system


All-in-one alanine-EPR dosimetry system designed for routine dosimetry in industrial irradiation facilities or as an in-house alanine reference dosimetry system.


SPINSCAN has a greater measurement response signal and higher measurement sensitivity than any other bench-top EPR spectrometer on the market today.


The system sensitively cuts measurement durations.


The technology employed by SPINSCAN spectrometer makes for a more durable industrial equipment with an uptime of more than 99%.


With modified holders, it can accommodate a wide range of commercially available alanine dosimeters.



LV Analytical Accessories
EPR | Optional Packages for Alanine Dosimetry
EPR | Optional Packages for Alanine Dosimetry

– Special holder SH-P – Special cuvette FFZK 130-4,5×0.8 for dosimetry thin film test strips – Holder for precise sample positioning with adjustable altitude – 2 Tubes for dosimetry tablets with inner diameter 4.0 mm or 4.8 mm

LV Analytical Accessories Automatic sample changer
EPR | Automatic sample changer for alanine pellets
EPR | Automatic sample changer for alanine pellets
LV Analytical Accessories Automatic sample changer

Automatic sample changer for alanine pellets

LV Analytical Accessories Alanine dosimetry kit
EPR | Alanine dosimetry kit
EPR | Alanine dosimetry kit
LV Analytical Accessories Alanine dosimetry kit

LV Analytical Accessories Automatic Temperature Control System
EPR | Automatic Temperature Control System
EPR | Automatic Temperature Control System
LV Analytical Accessories Automatic Temperature Control System

There are 3 types to Automatic Temperature Control Systems for any possible purpose:
— TCS-01L (-170C° -+200C°)
— TCS-01B (-RT -+70C°)
— TCS-01H (+50C° -+550C°)

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